My mission for this blog was to educate people on the important topic of global warming. By educating the world with this knowledge, I hope to make sure people are now doing things to try and prevent global warming. Either by it's just cutting down on your carbon footprint, or doing what I did and educating the world to make the next generations more smart. Some ways may be better than others, but it doesn't matter, as it is all making a difference.
I think it's interesting that you chose to do this last instead of first, it's a good thing to have as the head of your blog. Also, the way you wrote makes it double up as a conclusion, briefly, but effectively, tying your previous 4 posts together with a decorative bow.
ReplyDeleteGreat post Josh. Global warming is becoming an increasingly trending topic and in my personal opinion, one that should be talked about even more. I completely agree with your mission statement; the only way we can preserve our Earth is by informing people around the world about global warming. In the Al Gore video we watched, some businesses and companies are denying that the global warming even exists. It is appalling to know that businesses are blatantly lying to consumers for money. However, it isn’t solely companies. It is now the year of 2015 and everyone should know the effects of their actions, unfortunately, that is not the case. We must educate people about global warming because our Earth cannot handle the unfathomable rates of greenhouse-gas emissions.
Before the carbon footprint assignment we did in class, I thought I was one of the most eco-friendly people as I didn’t eat much meat and I knew that animals release methane, a greenhouse-gas, when they are slaughtered. After doing the assignment, I realized that I was actually polluted just as much as other classmates because my family travels rather often. We annually vacate to India in the summer and typically visit three other countries around the world in the span of a year.
Sometimes we don’t have an option other than to pollute, like in my case, but we can make minor tweaks in our daily routines, like you stated in your post. For example, eating less meat.
I really enjoyed reading your post and keep on educating people about this issue!